• Why LNG ?
    Nowadays natural gas meets approximately 30% of the world’s energy demand, rising. Natural gas is moving also to serve local level application, following 2 good examples:
    – Trucking
    – Marine transport industries


  • This growing market relies on state-of-the-art liquefaction and transport mode, to deliver gas from remote storages to the final user with economical sustainable technologies.
    Reflecting this trend, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Liquid BioMethane have become much more important in the world’s energy mix over the past two decades.


Fores μs LNG Value Chain
Fores, in conjunction with a broad portfolio of Oil&Gas products, technologies, expertise and services, is the only reality capable to offer to its customer a modified Linde Cycle liquefaction turnkey system for small plants with the best efficiency, high reliability and zero nitrogen usage.

Fores μs LNG system is an IoT-enabled system, with latest advanced technologies of Industry 4.0 pillars that allow a deep and smart real time data analysis for customer operational and maintenance optimization in costs reduction, efficiency and productivity increase through predictive maintenance for downtime minimization and augmented



>Modular stand-aloneunit:
>low installation costs
>low commissioning costs
>low maintenance costs
>No Nitrogen: ModifiedLinde cyclew ith SelfCooling Gas (Autonomous and simple system)
>Low energy consumption
>Low start-up time
>Integrated Control& SCADAsystems
>as module to be connected to electrical grid, or
>stand alone includingpower generation
>CAPex: ~ 2,5 M€ ( μsLNG8 – only Liquificationunit )
OPex: ~ 0,22 €/Kg ( μsLNG8 – excluding gas costs )